You know when you are little, and all you want is to be sixteen? It’s like the perfect number right? You just want to be old and have freedom, because once you are that perfect age, life is incredible. No doubt, it’s fun growing up and having more freedom and responsibilities, but at the same time, it’s sad. This summer has been the best of my entire life. I have been so blessed to have experienced such amazing opportunities. Looking back on the past few months, they have been filled to the brim with so many different memories that I never want to forget. I went to Haiti with my best friends, I chilled at chill so many times (my punch card is almost full! yes!), I was able to play in a band with some of my favorite people and build some awesome relationships, I laughed so much, I stayed up too late, sweat more than ever before in my life, and so much more. Over the next year, so many different things will change and seasons of my life will end for good. I don’t know if I’ll ever have another summer doing these same things. Some things will never be the same, but I’ll never forget right now. These past few months have sculpted and changed my perspective on life. I’m thankful for the past, but excited for the future.