Just a Few :: Personal


March 5, 2013

follow @jessicalaurenphoto
 I'm a wedding photographer living outskirts of St. Louis with my sweet husband! When I'm not hanging with my amazing couples, you can catch me whipping up some delicious food or perusing the local thrift store for some finds. 
I'm Jessica Lauren

My mind is blown when I try to wrap my head around the fact that we are three months into twenty thirteen. This, my friends, is crazy. These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of school and work, along with anything else you could imagine, and it’s definitely been an adjustment. I’m slowly learning the importance of getting up early and getting things done – it’s a beautiful thing. God is growing and challenging me, and I’m looking forward to the months ahead! and a more consistent blog schedule! :)

These are a few images of Becky from last week. Love this girl, and these snowy photos. becky-1becky-1-3becky-1-2becky-1-5snowday-5909becky-1-4tutorial-5959becky-5984

Comments +

  1. Madison says:

    Basically I can relate to everything you mentioned. I can hardly believe that it’s already March. I feel like I was just making my new years’ resolutions. Also, I’m learning about how much I can get done by getting up early. My weeks have been filled and busy too. I’m praying about having a better blogging schedule because right now I’m posting like once a month. Eesh. :) I know that if it’s Gods will He will help me, and you too!

    Your pictures are beautiful. Yes. Love them. My favorites are #3 and #5. Sometimes I wish we had snow here so I could do a snow photoshoot. So fun.



  2. these are beautiful, Jessica! :) your friend is lovely–she has such a joyous smile, and her eyes are stunning.

    isn’t it wonderful how God challenges us and causes us to grow? i’ve really been convicted of spending too much time on the computer, and i’ve been trying to steer away from so much “wasted” (aka, Pinterest) time. ;) looking forward to more blog posts! :)


  3. I love all of these Jessica!!

  4. Oooo. I love all of these especially numbers 1 and 4! Wonderful work once again!

  5. Anna says:

    These are all beautiful! Absolutely love the first one. =)

  6. Jessica says:

    gorgeous pictures!

  7. abby says:

    These are all super gorgeous! The lighting is spectacular. Great job.

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