Living Life :: Personal


May 6, 2014

follow @jessicalaurenphoto
 I'm a wedding photographer living outskirts of St. Louis with my sweet husband! When I'm not hanging with my amazing couples, you can catch me whipping up some delicious food or perusing the local thrift store for some finds. 
I'm Jessica Lauren


Honestly, I can hardly believe that another month has begun – we are almost halfway through 2014! Sometimes it’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that life flies by so quickly. Days turn into weeks and all the sudden graduation is right around the corner, I’ll be heading to Washington in 14 days, and I have the rest of the year ahead of me with endless possibilities at my fingertips.

Some people hate this season of life. So many of my peers stress over getting accepted into college and what their future holds, but you know what I think? I think this is one of the most beautiful and rich seasons of life that you can ever experience. Right now, I can pursue any passion the Lord lays on my heart. I can run hard after Jesus and do things that I may never have the opportunity to do again. It’s pretty great, actually; I’m not complaining.

I’ve been a little non-existent during March and April, mostly because of the busyness of life, but also because I just needed a break. I had things to blog about, but I didn’t know how to put them in words, and I didn’t have the motivation to do it. And I think that’s okay. Not all of my March goals happened,  and April was so full that marking things off a list of “accomplishments” was the last thing on my mind.

So here we are in May. Life isn’t perfect, but it’s blessed. I’m learning more and more about who the Lord really wants me to be. I’m learning that sometimes you have to leave room for flexibility and time to love others. I’m learning that there’s more to life than Facebook and your social media presence. I’m learning that friendship is difficult, but also a beautiful aspect of life. I’m learning that it’s okay not to be perfect, but you still have to try hard.

I’m learning that I still want to learn. I’m going to take a different path and set my focus on the passions the Lord has given me and do great things. Sometimes life is more than doing what everyone else tells you to do. Sometimes life is just living – being obedient to the calling the Lord has on our lives – and living life to the fullest. So here’s to living life (and some photos of me doing just that).


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