Five Ways to Refresh Your Creativity :: For Photographers

For Photographers

June 2, 2015

follow @jessicalaurenphoto
 I'm a wedding photographer living outskirts of St. Louis with my sweet husband! When I'm not hanging with my amazing couples, you can catch me whipping up some delicious food or perusing the local thrift store for some finds. 
I'm Jessica Lauren


There are often times when I get frustrated with where I am as a creative and feel like I’m stuck in a constant rut of lack of inspiration. Comparison typically spurs on these thoughts, and pretty soon I  find myself discouraged, stagnant, and ready to give up.

When taxes are more than anticipated, you  feel like you’re lacking purpose, and comparison bogs you down,  it can be incredibly discouraging to be a small business owner in the creative industry. So how do we overcome these feelings? These are legitimate frustrations and emotions – so  what can we do to refresh ourselves and maintain a positive outlook through it all?

ONE // Spend time with the Creator
We all have a tendency to look to other people or things for inspiration (Pinterest, anyone?) – and while those things aren’t bad, it’s very easy to compare yourself or simply become frustrated! Sometimes it seems like everything has already been done and there is nothing new and fresh. In those moment, what better Artist and Creator to draw inspiration from than the Lord? Why don’t we spend time with the One who knit together and spoke into existence the world we photograph and enjoy? From the fragrant, blossoming trees and golden sunshine to the unique individuals who are intricately beautiful – it is all HIS handiwork! His creation! He is the greatest creative that ever lived and who better to learn from and be inspired by than God? He is more creative than the best photographer or the most amazing blogger. Refresh yourself by spending time in His glorious Presence!!

TWO //  Take time to be alone
We are never truly alone anymore. In a world of iPhones, social media, texting, snapchat, periscope… the list is endless! We are constantly being pulled away and distracted from actually THINKING. And if you never spend time alone – never give yourself time to think – you will never think new thoughts or dream new dreams. No wonder we feel so uninspired and frustrated! How could be ever be innovative creators if we are constantly soaking in other’s peoples lives? We never actually live and breathe our own. Leave your phone at home and go for a drive. Log out of Facebook for a day. Big thoughts  come from thinking long and hard. Give yourself space to do so.

THREE //  Live in gratefulness
Isn’t it easy to compare every aspect of our lives to someone else’s Instagram world? My desk space isn’t as beautiful as so and so’s, therefore, I would never be able to create like them. Okay, really? I  have a desk! The sun is shining. I can drink in deep, beautiful breathes of air. I  have wifi in order to write  this! ;) I have an amazing blogging program that makes blogging this all the more easy for me. And I seriously allow myself  to be so negative and discouraged? Here’s the thing. It’s not enough to try to have the willpower to stop complaining or have a reality check. We have to REPLACE our negative thoughts with grateful ones! Something has to replace that space in our brains otherwise we will easily slide right back into the ease of comparison and frustration. So don’t just remove those thoughts and attitudes from your life – replace them.

FOUR // Do something different
Clean out a desk drawer, change your sheets, or clean your bathroom! :) There is something about physically working that is rejuvenating and inspiring. You can only stare at a computer screen for so long and be productive! Reorganize your closet or work on a fun project! You want to hear the epitome of laziness? I have a chalk wall right over my desk that has been the exact same ever since I first made it at the beginning of 2013. TWENTY THIRTEEN, people! Maybe I should take some time to accomplish that task. ;) It’s something easy, but sometimes those are the things that are overlooked so quickly. Sometimes a change of pace is just what you need to refresh your mind!

FIVE // Set a new goal
Where do you want to go? What kind of person do you want to be? How are you going to get there? Ask yourself those questions – and then set a new goal for yourself that will help you in the process of getting there. Great things take time. But they also take effort and hard work. If you aren’t willing to invest, you will never see results. We can’t sit around waiting for big, beautiful, exciting things to land on our front porch! We have to take practical steps towards the finish line and set goals for ourselves along the way! Challenge yourself to do something big! Do something that makes your heart sing and inspires you! There is nothing wrong with dreaming big and going for it. Even if you fail, you will have learned something, and it will all be worth it in the end!

If you’ve been feeling the same ways I have – I hope this post is somewhat encouraging for you!! Don’t allow yourself to wallow in frustration – do something to make a difference and refresh your creative side! I would love to hear from you all – how you do conquer feelings of frustration or defeat in your own personal life?! Leave a comment and let me know!! xoxo

Much love,
Jessica Lauren

Comments +

  1. Bianca says:

    Hi Jessica!

    Thanks for this post; love it :)

    It’s so true that we need to give ourselves time to just THINK. I know that when I was little (before the days of txting and social media), I was a big thinker and dreamer — and I tried lots of things. Nowadays it’s important to log off social media and such and take the time to think and dream. I’ve found journalling a great avenue as well in recent times.

    Love your blog; keep posting! :)

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