Where He Leads :: Personal


March 21, 2015

follow @jessicalaurenphoto
 I'm a wedding photographer living outskirts of St. Louis with my sweet husband! When I'm not hanging with my amazing couples, you can catch me whipping up some delicious food or perusing the local thrift store for some finds. 
I'm Jessica Lauren

Pacific Northwest Photographer, Lake Chelan Weddings

Sometimes the things we do and the places we go don’t make a whole lot of sense to the average eye. Our society pushes us to “find ourselves” and “be unique”, when in reality, all it truly does is try its very best to shove us all into the same exact cookie cutter mold. Go to school, graduate, get your degree, find a high paying job, get married, have a family, retire. And sometimes I just wonder if we forget what kind of God we serve.

The kind of God that makes every snowflake unique – but beautiful in it’s own way. The kind of God that gives no two people an identical fingerprint. The kind of God that impresses contrasting passions and desires in each and every one of us.

Life is full of decisions and choices, some little – some big. Your lunch choice will only subtly impact your life, whereas there are other major decisions that will completely alter the course of your time on this earth. As someone walking through a huge transition period of life, I always wonder how to best make these big decisions. The ever cliche “what would Jesus do?” becomes less cliche and more of a reality when you truly and fully desire to live your life in obedience to Christ – something that is not easy, nor something that I am even close to accomplishing. But as I walk through this time, I have to wonder if God is really the God we think Him to be. Too often we shove God into the same cookie cutter mold the world tries to put us in, and yet God works so diversely with different people that I’m not sure why we expect all of our lives to be the same. Is the practical route always best? What does He really say we should do with our lives?

Have your roots planted deep in Christ. Grow in Him. Get your strength from Him. Let Him make you strong in the faith as you have been taught. Your life should be full of thanks to Him. 

Colossians 2:7

Be rooted. He calls us to plant ourselves in Him. To be rooted means to be steadfast and grounded. To dig deep and stay there. He’s called me as His child to plant my roots deep within HIM – and nothing else.

Grow. Go, act, live – get a move on, sista. Growth requires action! Your plants will never grow unless they are fed and watered. In the same way, we will never grow, we will never change, and we will never impact if become stagnant. I say this to myself more than anyone else – be intentional in your growth. Where do you need to grow? What is KEEPING you from growing? Nothing is more vital than spiritual growth in your relationship with the Lord.

Find strength in Him. The motivation and determination necessary to succeed – find it in Jesus. The power to live in a way that glorifies Him, it’s sure as heck not going to come from yourself. You can only do this WITH Him. Yes, we have free will, but there’s no way to please the Lord without His help.

Your foundation is important. Let Him make you strong in the faith as you have been taught. Bring it back to memory! Is His word in your heart? Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Let it teach you and mold you. It will make you a strong, formidable force against the evil of this world.

Live with thanksgiving. Oh, how often I fail in this area. Be thankful. Be thankful for the difficulty, be thankful for the change. Be thankful for the times that bear more pressure because it’s refining you. Pressure produces perseverance. Be thankful for it all.

I speak more to myself than anyone else. I’m so often asked what I’m doing with my life – why I’m not going to college. Why I started a business and high school and shoot weddings for a living. Why I’m always traveling and flitting around. Why? Well, I do it because God hasn’t called me to fit the cookie cutter mold. I do it because there’s something to be said about trusting Jesus. And though I’m so very far from perfect, I do know that this is where He has called me to be. This is what I’m supposed to do right now. Will I go to school at some point in the future? Maybe. I’m never going to say never, because God is a God who is far beyond what we could ever imagine, and His ways are so much different than our ways. He knows where He is going to take me. But for now I will cling to the truth of His word. Be rooted – grow – find strength – be solid – live in thankfulness. Because I believe living in obedience is the best place to be.

Much love,

Jessica Lauren

Comments +

  1. Anna says:

    This is so good! He is so faithful to continue to grow my understanding of how big, great and amazing He is (and how He has always been and always will be).

    Also, it was fun to spot a picture of your family among my aunt and uncle’s Christmas photos while visiting them over the holidays (the Bridgmans)… they were sharing about God’s hand in the friendships He’s given them with others over the years, and I was like “Hey, I actually ‘know’ her!” I think your mom was in my cousin’s wedding years ago? In some ways, our world doesn’t seem so big – in fact, rather small. ;-)

  2. Olivia says:

    ah, jess! this is so good and so (so so so) true. I love that verse colossians 2:7, be rooted & be thankful TO Him! I think sometimes I get “ashamed” in a way that I want to live outside of that cookie cutter lives, especially when deciding what to “do” wit your life in the next few years after highschool. You have definitely encouraged me to not be “ashamed” of my passions, but live beyond the world and do things differently…for Jesus! xo

    • You’re just such a blessing and encouragement to me, sweet Olivia!! <3 Thank you so much, girl! I cannot wait to see where the Lord leads and takes you! You're a gem of a woman, sista!

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