10 on 10 :: January


January 10, 2014

follow @jessicalaurenphoto
 I'm a wedding photographer living outskirts of St. Louis with my sweet husband! When I'm not hanging with my amazing couples, you can catch me whipping up some delicious food or perusing the local thrift store for some finds. 
I'm Jessica Lauren

Somehow or another it is the TENTH of January 2014. Let that sink in for a little bit. This year has already kicked off with a (pretty rad) bang! I’ve said it before, but I just adore the fresh start that comes with the new year. Buy me a brand new 2014 planner and I will love you forever – it just makes me so happy! I’m overjoyed and elated with how God has been, is, and will continue to work. I have big aspirations for this year, but I know that once again God will blow my mind in the best ways and do immeasurably greater things than I could ever imagine. He’s pretty cool like that!

Speaking of awesome things, a couple girls and I are joining together for a little project today! One of my goals for this next year is to take more personal photos. Today, each of us are sharing ten personal photos that open up a glimpse into our everyday lives. And let me just warn you, it’s not too exciting. ;) But it is definitely fun to be creative and think of ways to incorporate new ideas! I kind of slacked towards the end of the day as I was on hold with customer service, rushing to get dinner ready, and sitting in a four hour Old Testament class (real life, y’all!) but here are ten photos nonetheless!


Starting the day off on a fully caffeinated note! Coffee in the prettiest little cup from my sweet friend.  Isn’t it perfect?! And it’s my favorite color!


Throughout middle school I would easily read 100 books a year and it was so good for me! Reading books for myself has waned over the years, but I’m pumped to dig into Love Does! I’ve heard nothing but wonderful words about this book!


Another highly recommended read! So many incredible people have shared this title with me and I can’t wait to soak up all the goodness inside. Leaders must first be learners, and my hope is to glean loads of wisdom this year in order to lead in a way that blesses others and glorifies God!!

Any suggestions on what should be on my book list for this year? I’d love to hear them!


My sweet girl made everyone marshmallow snowmen for our “lunch dessert” yesterday. I mean, how could you ever pass that up? I just love her innocent, kind heart.


Talking to Britt midday on the phone… “WHAT do I take a picture of?! My life isn’t cool enough!” “Our phone conversation, duh!”
Which, to be honest, is pretty much a daily routine anyways.


We’re still working on getting those pictures hung on the wall. I live in constant fear that picture frames will come crashing down to kill me in the middle of the night… I kid, I kid. But really though, I should probably work on that!


Inspiration boards really are wonderful. I love adding little things here and there!


My little workspace. Anyone see a color trend? ;) (also… still working on transitioning everything to 2014. it’s a process!)


And what’s a personal post without a random selfie? (note: I used the 35mm 1.4 for all these photos. I’m unfortunately growing quite attached to this lens… too bad it’s $1500!!)


A fun little text ended my day on a happy note! I finally have images of Chris & I!! Thank you thank you thank you, Brittney!! We love them!!

Head on over to Ashlee’s blog to take a peek at her ten images! Happy Friday!!

Comments +

  1. Love this!! :) Love you!

  2. Emily says:

    yay!!! love this so much!!! miss you and your cute room:)

  3. Hannah Elise says:

    ok, I crazy LOVE your room.
    you need to blog more of those images of you and Chris–so cute!!
    oh and I need to read those books..thanks for reminding me about them :)

  4. Anna Rose says:

    Oh Jessica! Your room is so cute! I love it! Is that a chalkboard wall?

  5. I absolutely LOVE your desk area! Now i want to switch-up my room:)


  6. Ashlee says:

    These are sooo beautiful Jessica! Love this peak into your life. :D

  7. Olivia says:

    I love these jess and seeing a look into your life is lovely! I love the turquoise color theme, and your bed. AND your desk workspace is super cute and the chalk wall and pictures and your handwriting. ;) xoxo

  8. Carly says:

    Hi I love this all!!! I was wondering where you got your workspace :) it looks custom but it’s so perfect!

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