what I’ve learned, my focus, & 2013


December 31, 2012

follow @jessicalaurenphoto
 I'm a wedding photographer living outskirts of St. Louis with my sweet husband! When I'm not hanging with my amazing couples, you can catch me whipping up some delicious food or perusing the local thrift store for some finds. 
I'm Jessica Lauren

christmasday-1Words evade me as I attempt to sum up 2012. This time last year I never would have anticipated all the joys and struggles I have faced over these past twelve months. Yet here we go again; a clean slate, a new calendar, a fresh sheet of paper, a brand new year. My heart is so thankful that we have newness and fresh starts.

 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” 

Lately I have been thinking so much about God’s faithfulness. The most impactful time of my year was the eight days I spent in Haiti. During that time God’s presence was so near to me, even if I didn’t necessarily “feel” it. Often I get so caught up in feeling close to God that I end up missing out on the point of my worship and service in the first place. My week is Haiti was hard. I depended on the Lord more than I ever have at any other point in my life. I relied on His strength to truly sustain me. He protected me from evil I didn’t know existed. He emboldened me and empowered me. It is pretty much impossible to spend a week lifting rocks, sifting sand, getting approximately four hours of sleep every night, and not be extremely sore and exhausted, not to mention sick from the lack of clean water. Yet I never was. The most cherished and life-altering moments of my year were spent in that beautiful place and my heart yearns to return. I’m very much looking forward to what God has in store for me to further His kingdom. I excitedly anticipate the wonderful, crazy, God-sized opportunities He has planned.

And with all that being said, this is my focus for 2013.
Know Him, and make Him known.
Such a simple phrase that contains huge ramifications for this upcoming year.

Know Him. Know Jesus. That doesn’t mean know about Him. It means know Him. Personally, intimately, whole-heartedly, deeply, fully. I know a lot about Jesus. I’ve read the Bible, I go to church. But I seriously struggle with spending intentional focused time with Him. How often am I still before Jesus, allowing Him to alter, change, and renew my heart? Not often enough. I want to step away from 2013 with a very close relationship with my Savior.

Make Him Known. Is that not our greatest purpose on this earth? Make His name known and glorified on every street corner. To those who are rich, poor, worn-out, broken-hearted, hungry, scared, tired, bored, frustrated, materialistic, selfish, happy, far and near. I want my life to radiate Jesus in anything and everything I do. Whether I am at work, school, home, Target, church, or away, I want people to look at me and see Jesus.

I am so very excited for 2013. I have huge dreams and a big God on my side. Adventure awaits!
Have a blessed New Year!

With love,

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