a weekend to remember


November 4, 2012

follow @jessicalaurenphoto
 I'm a wedding photographer living outskirts of St. Louis with my sweet husband! When I'm not hanging with my amazing couples, you can catch me whipping up some delicious food or perusing the local thrift store for some finds. 
I'm Jessica Lauren

IMG_6894 Oh, where do I begin? I got to meet one of my best friends in real life a few weekends ago. Yes, as in, the face the face thing had never happen before *gasp!*.
Here’s the story… almost four years ago, Becky emailed me (we emailed multiple times daily. complete with lol’s, obnoxious emoticons and l8r’s… oh wait… I still do that…) and said something along the lines of, “there is this website, it’s really cute, we should write for it!” Okay, yippee, fun, whatever. Then I get another email, “Hey, I emailed the people and signed us up to write for them once a month!” Stellar. So now we are writing articles once a month for this Christian girl website. I think there were 5 or 6 of us at that point, including Becky, Madison, and I. We had kind of started talking to this one girl (Madi) and we decided to break off from this website, and start our own, iHeart.

Okay y’all, it was totally legit. LOOK AT IT. See that? We were posting multiple times in a week for about two years and I really think God used this time to refine me as a young woman. Looking back, it challenged me to spend time in God’s Word daily and look for ways to apply His truth to my life. God used that website to refine my heart, give me direction for my life, and to grow me up as an individual. During that time, Becs, Mads, and I got super close. Guys, instant messenging was the the thing to do. We were so cool!! Anyways, we were the three amigos. Middle school rocked.

Now. We are old and busy and lame! Just kidding. We are still super fun.

So, it’s a Thursday night. I’m just chatted it up with Christopher, and whadduyaknow, he’s all like “hey, I’m super excited for Saturday!” and I’m like, “uhh.. why?” and he says, “Oh…um.. for Becky’s bonfire!” and I’m like “Yeah, totes, so what are you really excited for?” “I can’t tell you.”….. I was suspicious you guys. And then I was excited. Like…. jumping up and down excited. Shaking excited. WRITING IN ALL CAPS EXCITED. There were exciting thoughts in my head. I walk into the kitchen, and my mom is all, “What’s wrong?” and I’m like “I CAN’T TELL YOU BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED IF I’M WRONG.” Seriously you guys. I was like bouncing off the walls trying to keep this to myself. There are only a few things that would make me this excited. 1) Getting a Nikon D800. 2) Meeting Madison in real life.

Because I’m super snoopy, I decided to stalk my bestest friends’ tumblrs. Madison says, “SO. EXCITED.”…. Becky says, “Erhmergersh. Termerrow.” Yeah, that’s not suspicious at all. Then I vaguely remember hearing each of these lovely people saying, “You’re birthday present is coming in a few weeks!” Mhmm.

So I try to contain myself and move on with life. Now it’s Friday morning. I can’t help myself. I call Becky.
Me: BECKY! Hi. Um…. weird question…. when are you picking up Madi from the airport?
Becky: What are you talking about?
Me: I think Madi is coming in town. Actually, I’m pretty sure. This sounds so dumb. But I know she’s coming!
Becky: No, she’s not.
Becky: No, she isn’t! Wouldn’t I be freaking out right now if she was coming?
Me: You better not be lying to me.
Becky: I’m not. Madison isn’t coming.

Then I text her, “I hope you are lying because I am going to be really disappointed if she isn’t here.”
I left my house for a photoshoot, came home, and I was almost completely convinced, that Madison was coming? Wanna know why? I texted Madi, “YOU ARE COMING TO MISSOURI” (I know guys, caps overload. I was excited) and then all the sudden, Madi posts on tumblr: “WOOHOO! Party at my grandparents in Dallas!”
Whatever, bro. You are not partying at your grandparents in Dallas. That’s so lame, you are just trying to throw me off.
I call Christopher. (muwahaha… he can’t lie to me)
Me: CHRIS. Madi is coming isn’t she?
Chris: Uhhhhh……….I’m not supposed to say anything.

I call Becky, again.
Me: Bec, I know Madison is coming. When are you picking her up?! I want to see her!!
Becky: Madison is NOT coming!
Me: Yes she is!
Becky: No she isn’t!
Me: Bec, she is is coming.
Becky: NO SHE ISN’T! *hangs up*

So Captain Obvious over here hangs up on me. Yeah, she’s coming.

Needless to say, Madi came to visit us and it was fabulous.
I love being friends with people who love God. It’s so encouraging and refreshing and I can’t tell you how much I love these girls! We laughed until we cried, Madison coveted Becky’s cows, we took tons of pictures, and partied hard. We laughed about our awkwardly awesome middle school days, making astronaut blogs, and discovered that “hope you’re doing good!” is the casual way to say “what’s up!?” ;) I could write paragraphs and paragraphs of inside jokes and stories and awesome things, but… ya know. Y’all would get bored.

Madi, you are such a sweet friend! You are so cute and fun and awesome in real life. :) We need to see each other again SOON. You are always there when I need to talk to someone and I am so incredibly blessed to call you my friend! I love you so much!! :)

Best. Weekend. Ever.

To accompany my insanely long, unprofessional post, here are a billion pictures from our weekend! Please enjoy our awesomeness!


Comments +

  1. I looove this post so much.
    I miss YOU so much.
    I love YOU so much.

  2. Jessica these are to cute!!!! I love all the pictures so great!!! I am following you!!!!!!:) I love your blog!!!

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