
October 4, 2012

follow @jessicalaurenphoto
 I'm a wedding photographer living outskirts of St. Louis with my sweet husband! When I'm not hanging with my amazing couples, you can catch me whipping up some delicious food or perusing the local thrift store for some finds. 
I'm Jessica Lauren

There are some things in life that slip by so quickly and quietly, year in and year out, that they are gone before you can fully appreciate them. So badly I want to savor and relish every little piece of this time, yet the weeks just keep flying by. A few days ago, I scribbed notes on a sheet of paper, “I don’t even know what to do anymore. There is so much sin, yet so much good. I don’t know what to pray about, I don’t know which part of my to-do list to tackle first, I just don’t know anything.”

// Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

So this random old hymn comes to mind. Okay… weird. I googled it. I read every verse. Every line that was painstakingly written. This completely summed up how I was feeling. Daily I am indebted in Him. I sin all the time, yet His grace covers me completely. Let Thy goodness like a fetter [a shackle that confines me to You] bind my wandering [aimlessly roaming without purpose] heart to Thee. Oh, how good God is. He is so infinitely good. I just love that! I am wretched, but HE is good.

Life continues on. Ella turns eight tomorrow. Goodness, I can’t believe I was her age when she was born. I just can’t believe it.
Situations are out of my control, and sometimes a little bit scary. But God is sovereign.
School, quite frankly, is just plain overwhelming. Yet God will give me the strength AND the time to get it done. (goodbye facebook)
I turn sixteen next week. I’ve looked forward to this age for years. years. It seems weird that I am only a few days away from it now. I’m excited. But with age comes responsibility and life won’t continue on as it always has.
My heart is still searching, wandering, and grasping at this fleeting time.
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
I decided to take a break on Monday and capture some changing leaves; they are entering a new season as well, one of my favorites, I must say. I quite like this time of year. I hope to be out with my camera more often, and keeping this little space updated frequently with some pretty things.


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